
Thursday, 11 July 2013

Start at the end.

I never thought I would be writing this post when I started Further Adventures.  I certainly never thought that it would be the post that I would go "live" with.  But events over the last few days have changed the course of or future family history.  While the massed hordes of the worlds media are gathered at St Mary's Hospital in west London, lenses and microphones trained on the doors, waiting for news of a new Royal baby, we had an appointment the Early Pregnancy Unit at St James' Hospital to make sure everything was going to plan.

While happy with our lot we have been trying for a second bundle of joy for a couple of years.  We had an early miscarriage last year at around 4 weeks so we have been nervous and protective of our news about this pregnancy.  There had been signs that all was not well this time around either, but NHS Direct, Midwives and the staff at Jimmy's EPU had all allayed our concerns.  Everything was "perfectly normal" and "nothing to worry about" at our stage of pregnancy.

The first time around was plain sailing.  No morning sickness, no odd cravings, no extreme fatigue and no "spotting".  Along with the advice we'd been given from the professionals, we were trying to convince ourselves that this time things were just more normal.  In the back of our minds there remained a black and nagging doubt.

Yesterday that doubt was confirmed.  At 11+2 weeks we had another miscarriage.

Today's scheduled scan at the EPU has been cancelled.  A fourth pregnancy test within the next 10 days should be the final act in this adventure.  We are, as you can probably guess, devastated.  We'll take solace in the joy that our little boy gives us and we'll keep trying to give him someone to play with, somebody for him to share our love with. 

I had wanted use this blog to capture my thoughts and feelings during this pregnancy, as well as reflecting on my experiences last time around.  I was also going to write about looking after a toddler and my adventures in childcare.  I may well continue with the blog, only time will tell.


  1. I'm so sorry. I don't know what words I'd want to hear in that situation. I have heard that there is much less support for secondary infertility (not that that is what you guys have, perhaps) but my thoughts are with you- just one supporter out of many,no doubt! Not that you know me :)

  2. Jesus fuck, I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry honey.
    Especially since I am only just reading these and just left a congratulations post. I'm so sorry xXx

  3. Sorry to hear of your loss, miscarriage is a bitch. BUT I truly believe that it happens because that particular baby was not meant to be for whatever reason. It doesn't make it any easier I know but if you try to view it that way then coming to terms with the loss can be quicker.

    Use the blog as your release, it helps to blog on even if you write the posts and never publish!

  4. :( Genuine heartfelt sorrow...."Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It is about learning to dance through the rain".. I truly believe this & I try to use it as a mantra to get me through some of the shitty times that life throws at us....xx
